Tony Muka

  • CU*Answers Announces New Training Tool

    CU*Answers recently announced it had released its first Exercises for Success workbook for credit unions utilizing its CU*BASE processing system. In making the announcement, CU*Answers said this workbook series is designed to provide credit union employees practice exercises for use within its Bedrock Credit Union online learning tool.

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  • CU*Answers Adds New Credit Union Owners

    CU*Answers announced that two (2) credit union’s had invested in its Class A Stock offering to become new CU*Answers Owners. In its announcement, CU*Answers said that with Community Driven Credit Union (Ypsilanti, MI) and Public Services Credit Union (Ft. Wayne, IN) having invested, the cooperative CUSO now included 94 credit union Owners – with 11…

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  • CU*Answers Announces New Demo Guide

    CU*Answers recently announced the completion of its most recent iteration of the popular CU*BASE Demo Guide. This guide is intended to assist both perspective clients considering CU*BASE become more familiar with favorite CU*BASE features, and also for existing CU*BASE clients desiring to learn more of the CU*BASE processing features available. It also serves as a…

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  • CU*BASE Provides Added EFT Fraud Protection

    CU*Answers recently announced that its CU*BASE EFT Platform offers credit unions an added level of protection against fraudulent attempts of accessing funds through the use of an ATM or Debit Card by  providing its clients the capability to set daily online limits to protect from fraud. The CU*Answers Gividends EFT Team has recently seen certain…

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  • CU*Answers Announces Annual CEO Roundtable

    CU*Answers has announced that it’s annual CEO Strategies Conference and CEO Roundtable will be conducted during the week of November 7-11, 2011. CU*Answers stated that this popular CEO only session is completed in two separate sessions during the week; either a Monday – Wednesday, or Wednesday – Friday option.  

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  • TBA Credit Union Adopts ProDOC Packages and eDOCSignature

    TBA Credit Union, with 11,000 members and $141 million in assets, recently rolled out ProDOC Packages from eDOC Innovations. ProDOC Packages is a workflow management tool from eDOC Innovations which allows for secure documents to be bundled together in a ‘package’ for processing and eSignature. Loan documents, new accounts, and other requests can be processed…

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  • New CUSO Service Seeks to be Loan Activity Catalyst

    For many years, Xtend, Inc., a Grand Rapids, Michigan-based CUSO, has been helping credit unions improve operational efficiencies through its shared resources offerings like back-office support, mortgage servicing and inbound call center services.  Over the past several years, however, the CUSO has had its sights set on helping credit unions drive more revenue opportunities. Their…

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  • CUSO Welcomes Two New Owners

    Xtend, Inc., the Grand Rapids, Michigan-based multi-owned cooperative CUSO, announced that two credit union partners have purchased stock during the past month.  Onaway Community Federal Credit Union ($71M, 10,000 members) based in Onaway, Michigan, and North Central Area Credit Union ($81M, 14,600 members) based in Houghton Lake, Michigan, each purchased an ownership block of 200…

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