Tony Muka

  • CU*SOUTH Appoints Senior Conversion Manager

    CU*SOUTH has announced the appointment of Roger Walker as its Senior Conversion Manager. With 19 years of experience managing core processing for credit unions, Walker will lead a new Conversion Team that includes a mix of experienced leaders and credit union product experts.  “A successful conversion requires the leadership of someone who has worked in…

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  • eDoc Services Exceed Expectations

    eDOC Innovations, a leading e-Document strategy development CUSO recently received accolades from Eaton County Educational Credit Union, located Charlotte, MI, as part of their migration  the OSI TIGER2 to TCCUS-SME data processing platform.  The eDoc Innovations team was there to help with their conversion and according to the credit union, the assistance proved was invaluable.

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  • eDoc Innovations Walks the Talk

    eDoc Innovations announced the successful implementation of their own merchant capture solution, CheckLogic™ Lite,  within their own internal operations. In collaboration with Corporate One Federal Credit Union, eDoc’s internal accounting team utilizes their own high-quality remote deposit and check capture solution to electronically forward all client payments to Corporate One Federal Credit Union for deposit.

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  • CU*Answers Goes Paperless with eDOC Solutions

    eDOC Innovations, the Nation leading e-document management CUSO, announced that CU*Answers, a 100% credit union-owned CUSO, which provides the enterprise data processing system, CU*BASE, will be implementing eDOC solutions for their CU*SPY reports and statements. As announced to CU*Answers’ clients in their 2009 Leadership Conference, CU*A will be utilizing eDOC solutions-specifically idocVAULT™ – in lieu…

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  • CU*Answers Announces Results of “Go Green” Contest

    CU*Answers, a CUSO headquartered out of West Michigan, has announced that the results of their most recent collaborative marketing contest are in.  The environmentally friendly theme of “Go Green!” was used to promote E-Statement enrollment, and emphasized a credit union member’s choice to print their electronically available statements only if needed.

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  • Quality Service Not Forgotten

    eDOC Innovations and Cumberland County Federal Credit Union have partnered in delivering a complete e-Document strategy for the credit union. The credit union’s plan for implementation instituted a “Phased In” approach, implementing different modules of the system incrementally to enhance adoption and training learning curves. After the completion of the recent Phase Two portion, Cumberland…

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