Tony Muka

  • Route One Added to CU*Answers CU*BASE

    This year a lot has been said about the promise of indirect members, and the increased lending income and membership growth potential they offer credit unions. With the CU*BASE 11.3 Release, Lender*VP is excited to offer a new indirect lending initiative with the introduction of Route One. (This is in addition to the already available…

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  • Management Dashboards Labs a Hit with CEOs

    At its 2011 CEO Strategies Week (November 7-11), CU*Answers added an all-new event: Management Dashboards Labs. Held on both Tuesday and Thursday evenings, CEOs from CU*Answers credit unions were able to get some practical hands-on help working with their own CU*BASE member data. CU*Answers said that CEOs spent two hours in the lab with experts…

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  • CU*Answers Host 11th Annual CEO Strategy Conference

    CU*Answers, a Grand Rapids-based 100% credit union-owned CUSO, continues to prove that optimism and collaboration within the credit union industry are alive and well. CU*Answers’ 11th Annual CEO Strategies Week held the week of November 7th drew in 58 credit union CEOs from across the country. According to the CUSO, this was a perfect follow-up…

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  • Internet Authentication Nothing New

    CU*Answers, a Grand Rapids, Michigan base core processor, announced that on November 2nd, it held a web conference for all of their clients about the changes to the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Supplement on managing high risk account activity through electronic channels. One of the main points of the conference was that the…

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  • CU*Answers Introduces Network Compliance Teacher

    Audit Link, a division CU*Answers Management Services, has published its first addition of the Network Compliance Teacher. The magazine is a collaborative effort of CU*Answers and the compliance professionals of their credit union clients. Collectively they determine a theme, author the articles, and publish the magazine to all CU*Answers clients free of charge. “The articles…

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