CU*Answers Introduces Network Compliance Teacher

Audit Link, a division CU*Answers Management Services, has published its first addition of the Network Compliance Teacher. The magazine is a collaborative effort of CU*Answers and the compliance professionals of their credit union clients. Collectively they determine a theme, author the articles, and publish the magazine to all CU*Answers clients free of charge. “The articles in the Network Compliance Teacher revolve around regulations and how they impact staff at the operational level and they focus on the daily duties of credit union staff and how CU*BASE, the core data processing system, can be used to meet specific regulatory requirements” says Jim Vilker, VP of Professional Services.

The publication is then professionally produced and distributed to all clients as well as published on the Audit Link Advisor Site. It can be used by any credit union in the country.  Authorship is open to anyone utilizing the CU*BASE core system and believe it or not CU*Answers actually pays the credit union for their staff time to assist in the magazines production.