eDOC and rkGoBig CUSOs Partner

eDOC Innovations and rkGoBig, a Pennsylvania-based core operations CUSO, have announced their partnership to deploy DocLogic, eDOC’s mobile enterprise digital transaction management (mDTM™) system. The partnership is a CUSO-to-CUSO agreement, building on the cuasterisk.com collaboration network.

“rkGoBig represents a solid example of CUSO-to-CUSO collaboration, benefiting several credit unions through economies of scale, which rkGoBig brings to the table,” said Bret Weekes, President and CEO of eDOC Innovations. “This type of collaboration is vitally important to the industry. It builds the framework of sustainable innovation, ultimately benefiting the members served.”

Peter Barnard, President of rkGoBig added, “Small credit unions are having a difficult time keeping costs down. Our credit unions are no different. How do you keep growing services and keep costs in check? As a CUSO, we are using a well-worn path through CUSO collaboration and innovation. We are excited to begin collaborating with eDOC on this critical piece to help our six credit unions benefit from the combined scale in innovation and collaboration. eDOC, as a CUSO, fundamentally gets the value of the network. We are very pleased to join the eDOC network.”

As digital transaction management requirements increase, the partnership sends credit unions a positive message: “Our CUSO is passionate about giving credit unions the tools they need to stay relevant – first and foremost to profit from cooperation,” Barnard added. “Our deep back office collaboration is all about helping our credit unions remain key players in the marketplace.”