CU*Answers to Hold Network Services Boot Camp

CU*Answers, the 100% credit-union owned CUSO, will be hosting a Network Services Boot Camp on Wednesday, March 29th and Thursday, March 30th at their 28th Street location. These Boot Camps, led by CU*Answers Network Services, teach the basics of installation and troubleshooting for CU*BASE®, CU*Answers’ core processing platform, and ProDOC. Day 2 will cover network and system management practices, including reporting, security architecture and administration tools and standards.

These classes are for returning participants or new credit union IT team members who want to gain competency with core product deployment and support. A main goal is to provide a closer relationship with credit union IT staff and the CNS team. To view the schedule, topics that will be covered, and to sign up, visit the CU*Answers website.