CU*Answers Providing Credit Unions Free Remote Signature Capability

CU*Answers has signed an agreement with eDOC Innovations to provide 142 credit unions leveraging their online imaging solution with remote e-signature capability. This capability allows credit unions to send documents to members for electronic signatures wherever their mobile devices take them, and is being provided to the credit unions by the cooperative CUSO at no additional cost.

John Beauchamp CU*Answers VP or Imaging Solutions said: “CU*Answers is paying for this technology to allow credit unions utilizing our online solution for imaging to interact with their members remotely and transact business with members wherever their mobile devices take them. It gets them in the game of digital transactions and starts them thinking about other areas of remote interaction such as remote deposit capture and digital document exchange. The best part is it’s free to the credit union and simple to use as it is integrated with the CU*BASE® core processing system, so there are no price barriers or long learning curves to getting started!”