Tony Muka

  • CU*Answers Emphasizes the Benefit of PolicySwap

    CU*Answers, the West Michigan-based CUSO, announced that its PolicySwap website added earlier in 2012 was still going strong. The site, located at, was created with the goal of helping CU*Answers clients reduce each institution’s compliance cost burden. Every policy and procedure shared is reviewed by Audit Link, a part of the CU*Answers Management Services…

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  • Addressing the New Non-Accrual Regulation

    Audit Link and Lender*VP, divisions of the CU*Answers CUSO, held a joint conference for CU*Answers clients/owners to address the new NCUA Rule 741.2 Loan Workouts and Nonaccrual Policy. The conference was held in Grand Rapids at the credit union-owned CUSO’s corporate headquarters and was attended by 30 Loss Mitigation Specialists from around the Midwest. The…

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  • CU*Answers Unveils “Live It!” Series

    As the 2012 International Year of Cooperatives comes to a close, CU*Answers, the 100% credit union CUSO, has committed to keep the momentum going that Cooperatives gained this year. In an announcement to credit unions today, CU*Answers unveiled its “Live It” marketing series. The campaigns promote the Seven Cooperative Principles to show credit union members…

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  • CU*Answers Plans for 2013 Regional Training Events

    CU*Answers Client Service and Education Team is in full gear developing the Regional Training Event agenda’s for 2013.  “The agendas this year will be sales and marketing driven, designed to introduce our clients to marketing tools, strategies and best practices”, states Pauline VanZalen, Manager of CU*Answers’ Client Service Team. The Regional Training Events that CU*Answers…

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  • CU*Answers Announces Year End Training

    The West-Michigan based cooperative CUSO, CU*Answers delivered Year End training sessions to all clients in December.  The sessions covered the year-end processing guide for both in-house and online clients. The guides are filled with year-end preparation tasks along with a calendar of events to keep the credit union on track. Melissa Fulgenzi, Account Executive for…

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  • CU*Answers Announces Collaboration with Network Partners

    CU*Answers Client Service and Education Team announced ongoing support for their network partners, CU*SOUTH of Mobile, Alabama and CU*NorthWest in Spokane, Washington. The CU*Answers team of experts are the natural go-to for their partners that may need additional resource for client training, conversion training and conversion support.  Working closely with their partners, cross-training and collaboration…

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  • CU*Answers Collaborates with Grand Valley Co-op Credit Union

    West Michgan-based cooperative CUSO, CU*Answers, announced a new training initiative. In an effort to train new Client Service Team members on supporting TCD’s, the staff at local Grand Valley Co-op grants CU*Answers  team multiple site visits to see first-hand how the physical machines operate.  For newer CSR team members that understand the software side, but…

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  • CU*Answers Delivers Did You Know Newsletter

    CU*Answers, the 100% credit union-owned CUSO, stated that their Client Service and Education Team delivers a Did You Know newsletter to their clients on a monthly basis.  This newsletter holds new information to be aware of and has something noteworthy to remember. The December 2012 publication CU*Answers announced its new Online Campus which features new…

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  • CU*Answers Announces The Education Report Newsletter

    CU*Answers Client Service and Education Team delivers The Education Report to their credit union clients on a monthly basis.  The newsletter updates clients of upcoming events as additional classes are often added to the published annual education calendar throughout the year as needed. This year CU*Answers announced a new series of classes called Dashboard Dives.…

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  • CU*Answers Announces Education Express

    Cooperative CUSO, CU*Answers announced that each month it hosts a free web conference called Education Express.  This event is designed to bring awareness to clients on industry related events, CU*BASE® software topics, or new products and services that CU*Answers is rolling out.  The CUSO also reports that participation has been growing over the past six…

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