CU*Answers Unveils “Live It!” Series

As the 2012 International Year of Cooperatives comes to a close, CU*Answers, the 100% credit union CUSO, has committed to keep the momentum going that Cooperatives gained this year. In an announcement to credit unions today, CU*Answers unveiled its “Live It” marketing series. The campaigns promote the Seven Cooperative Principles to show credit union members the unique benefits credit unions have to offer them as a cooperative.

A CU*Answers spokesperson said, “Our strength as credit unions and CUSOs is in our unity, our spirit of cooperation, and our ability to work together with those of differing backgrounds in pursuit of a common purpose. But members don’t always understand or feel that way.”  The “Live It” marketing series is designed to reflect that cooperative spirit and how credit unions live it every day.

The series kicks off with an overview of the Seven Cooperative Principles and then follows with seven individual sets of marketing material, each set highlighting one of the principles. A closer look at the program can be found online at The “Live It” series is available to any credit union.