AdvantageCIO, a virtual CIO consulting service of CU*Answers, announced today that it is providing strategic technology planning services to credit unions. The service is designed to ensure that credit union technology and cybersecurity needs are properly identified and aligned with the credit union’s business plan and budget.
Included in the service is a planning session with senior management and credit union IT leadership that includes a review of the business plan and current technology hurdles or headaches, a technology budget review, identification of specific projects with measureable timelines, inventory of existing technology and life expectancy, and review of communications infrastructure and spending. The resulting document outlines a 36-month technology plan that works with the business plan.
“The idea here is to make sure that technology is working for the credit union and their members, not the other way around,” explained David Wordhouse, VP of Network Technologies.
“Technology is moving rapidly, and cybersecurity concerns are very real,” said Matt Sawtell, AVP of Managed Technology Services. “It’s tough today for credit union leadership to know they’re investing tech dollars in the right places and getting the right level of return. This service closes the loop and ensures IT is tracking with business goals.”
The service is available by itself or as part of a larger suite of technology consulting services from AdvantageCIO. To get started contact for more information.