Xtend Delivers 3M Electronic Messages in 2010

Xtend, Inc. a multi-owned cooperative CUSO based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, reports that electronic communication delivered to members through its Member Reach service reached an all-time high last year.  During 2010, the CUSO reports that it generated a comb­­ined total of more than three million email and online banking messages to credit union members.

Julie Gessner, Manager of Communication Services for the CUSO has led the Member Reach business unit since it began five years ago.  “We had an idea that our credit union partners would embrace the value of our electronic member communication service,” says Gessner, “but its popularity has continued to exceed our expectations.  2010 was a huge year for us and our biggest by far.  During the year we helped several dozen partners drive their Reg. E opt-in programs, rolled out our new e•Info feature, and saw a double-digit increase in our overall client base.  2011 is also off to a fast start.”

CUSO President Scott Collins notes, “Since members continue to embrace hearing from their credit unions via email and online banking message centers, we are confident that the demand for Member Reach will continue to grow.  We were tapped on the shoulder by more first-time users than ever during the 2010 campaign, so we look forward to helping even more partners create a buzz about their products this year.”

Fifty-six (56) credit unions engage Member Reach to deliver regular e-communications on their behalf, and more than two dozen others have utilized the service for custom projects.