Xtend Business Lines Continue Growth

Xtend, Inc., a Grand Rapids, Michigan-based multi-owned cooperative CUSO, continues on a growth path based on a recent analysis of its core product and services offerings.  The key product offerings include back-office accounting support, inbound and outbound contact center support, compliance monitoring, member marketing and electronic communication services.

Through the end of April, Xtend reported major growth in each of the aforementioned business units.  Its SRS Bookkeeping unit currently serves fifty-one (51) credit union clients, up from thirty-six (36) clients since its fiscal year began October 1st, 2009.  Member Reach electronic communications business unit has grown to fifty (50) clients by adding eleven (11) credit unions since October 1st.  According Julie Gessner, Manager of Communications for the CUSO, it’s anticipated that Member Reach will deliver as many as three million emails or home banking messages to members during the 2010 fiscal period, nearly double its 2009 volume.  Xtend’s Audit Link compliance monitoring service has grown by more than eighteen percent (18%) since October 1st and now serves twenty credit union partners.

The new CU*OverDrive marketing service is executing marketing campaigns for sixteen (16) credit unions during its inaugural year.  And the Xtension Call Center volumes have increased more than thirty percent (30%) since October 1st, primarily in the outbound (B2B) business-to-business and B2C (business-to-consumer) areas.

According to Xtend President Scott Collins, these strong growth numbers are expected to continue. Says Collins, “We are very bullish about the next couple years based on a variety of factors.  We are part of the growing cuasterisk.com network which provides us with a consistent influx of new sales opportunities.  Moreover, our current owners and business partners continue to embrace our core offerings as part of their business plans.  Active focus groups continue to provide us with insight on how to expand our existing services.  And our pricing methodology continues to be aggressive.  Combine all of those with a vested staff and solid team leadership and you can understand why I am excited about the coming years.”

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