With API Infrastructure Coming Together, CU*Answers Looks to Push Development in 2017

West Michigan-based core data processor, CU*Answers, is working hard to lay the groundwork for future API development. With the CUSO’s 2016 business year nearly in the books, ending September 30, CU*Answers business units and credit union partners are excited to begin development. Brian Maurer, VP of Software Development said: “In 2017, clients, vendors, and CU*Answers will start to take advantage of the API infrastructure that was put in place in 2016. While the infrastructure and development efforts are ongoing, we have reached the point where these elements are available to all parties, which will allow for more rapid and independent development across all areas of the CU*Answers product suite.”

Credit unions and vendors will be able to more easily develop products and services such as mobile apps that make calls to CU*Answers’ APIs. Vickie Schmitzer, CEO of Frankenmuth Credit Union and a CU*Answers Board Member added: “I am excited about the mobile solution opportunities that we are afforded as an owner and user of CU*Answers. All of the changes in technology and consumer demands for cutting edge mobile options to improve their lives are accelerating at a record breaking pace. It’s inspiring to be part of a cooperative that understands and embraces this, so that all of its clients can stand out, no matter what challenges the credit union may individually be facing.”

For its member credit unions who may not be able to afford to develop their own solutions or buy one from a third party, CU*Answers offers free mobile web banking and recently added a free mobile app. “As a cooperative, it’s our mission to bring credit unions together and to provide solutions that lower the hurdles credit unions are facing technologically; that’s the Do-It-Together mentality,” added Maurer. “API development makes this possible, but it also opens the door for the credit union with the Do-It-Yourself mentality.”