Utah Heritage Renews and Upgrades with eDOC Innovations

Utah Heritage Credit Union has upgraded their DocLogic system and renewed their contract with eDOC Innovations. Utah Heritage has been a customer and partner of eDOC for fifteen years, participating with the CUSO as a strategic technology partner for the credit union’s digital transaction management solutions.

“I have appreciated working with Utah Heritage Credit Union for many years and have observed their growth and consistent efforts to expand, improve and drive innovation within the organization,” commented Bret Weekes, CEO of eDOC Innovations. “Innovation by definition is the organization’s ability to create something new, different and unexpected out of past experiences. This is what I’ve observed at the credit union and I attribute that ability to its leaders over the years.”

Utah Heritage CU services rural communities in central Utah with a vision and track record of developing innovative solutions for their members.  “I’m pleased that our CUSO has the opportunity to collaborate with this great partner,” concludes Weekes.

See Utah Heritage Credit Union at: https://www.utahheritagecu.org/index.aspx.