United Financial CU Renews with eDOC

eDOC Innovations, a CUSO that provides electronic document solutions for over 400 credit unions, has announced that United Financial Credit Union recently renewed their long-standing relationship with eDOC for its document imaging needs.  Based in Whittier, California, United Financial CU, whose membership consists ofcurrent and retired federal employees working or living in the LA area, is also in the process of switching its data processor to CU*NorthWest, a CUSO affiliate of eDOC, both members of the cuasterisk.com network.

“eDOC Innovations works very hard in collaborating with affiliate CUSOs to ensure that the credit union’s strategy is securely in place, driving value and revenues for the credit union member,” commented Bret Weekes, President/CEO of eDOC Innovations. “UFCU has been a valued eDOC client since 2003. That they chose to stay with eDOC, in spite of a core provider change, is evidence of the strategic value of eDOC’s solutions and the enhanced value collaboration can bring,” added Weekes.

“We are excited about what eDOC Innovations provides to CU*NorthWest clients through superior products with a focus on core processing integration.  A good electronic document strategy and tools that support that strategy has its’ own inherent benefits, add to that a shared value system for credit union centric business practice, a CUSO business model and we have a partner in eDOC that supports the values under which CU*NorthWest does business.  Ultimately, the member wins,” commented Greg Smith, CEO of CU*Northwest.