TBA Credit Union Adopts ProDOC Packages and eDOCSignature

TBA Credit Union, with 11,000 members and $141 million in assets, recently rolled out ProDOC Packages from eDOC Innovations. ProDOC Packages is a workflow management tool from eDOC Innovations which allows for secure documents to be bundled together in a ‘package’ for processing and eSignature. Loan documents, new accounts, and other requests can be processed more efficiently by combining in branch and online signature processing. 

Triston Kirt, IT Officer for TBA Credit Union says, “we recognized right away that ProDOC Packages™ and eDOCSignature™ could be a “game changer” and wanted to be on the ground floor in its development, and are ecstatic with the results. It will change for the better the way we do business with our members. Working with eDOC Innovations and the network enabled us to request functionality and get what every credit union wanted, an automated workflow process that was transaction oriented and could be applied to other departments in the credit union”.

TBA is one of the network peers that helped in the development of ProDOC Packages™, and has been integral in the shaping of the technology for future credit unions. Kirt and TBA Credit Union welcome innovation saying, “Continuing to develop an e-Document strategy that transcends the norm and provides exceptional value to our members is our objective”.