“Spirit of CU*Answers” Award Goes to Honor Credit Union

At its 2017 Leadership Conference on June 21st, CU*Answers recognized Honor Credit Union as the winner of the 7th annual “Spirit of CU*Answers” award for their work on business intelligence and data analytics.

Honor CU, a $753M CU serving 65,000 members throughout Michigan, has a Business Intelligence team comprising five full-time professionals who are focused on data analysis. Accepting the award, CEO Scott McFarland said: “Our BI team is tasked with finding the sometimes uncomfortable truths about our operation and our members, and our management team is responsible for listening to and finding a way to act on those insights, even if they challenge our current thinking. The team works to enhance the service to our members and the consumer by anticipating needs and helping our internal team with valuable data.”

The Spirit of CU*Answers award, established in 2011, recognizes a client credit union for excellence in a variety of areas. This year’s winner exemplified one of the main themes of the conference, which was manufacturing insight and inspiring data awareness as a currency. In the past the award has also allowed the CUSO to recognize credit unions who have strong volunteer programs, who’ve demonstrated particularly strong execution and performance or a high level of adoption of CU*Answers tools, who show innovative examples of collaboration and cooperation, who have found new ways to demonstrate commitment to the 7 Cooperative Principles, or who’ve started new businesses in the network.