Sentinel Federal Credit Union debuts branch accounting strategy in 2021 with assistance from the Earnings Edge team

Sentinel Federal Credit Union (Rapid City, SD) embarked on a new initiative to begin analyzing branch activity with renewed spirit in 2021. Their goal was to identify how members are being allocated to branches, and to ensure that their operations are consistent with their goals of truly understanding the details at each of their branches. This included an assessment of how many members are allocated to each branch, multiple branch reassignments to ensure members are where they should be, and an overhaul of the thought process involved with how branches are brought into the equation for their daily operations.

The Earnings Edge team at CU*Answers played the role of the consultant alongside the team at Sentinel Federal Credit Union. As a consultant, the team outlined configurations and processes that needed to be reviewed at the credit union to align themselves with their objectives. “The Earnings Edge team helped us realize that there was more to the concept of branch accounting than we first thought,” saidDorothy Voorhees, CFO at Sentinel Federal Credit Union. “They were able to guide us, consult with us, and act on our behalf to set us on the right path. I look forward to consulting with the Earnings Edge team more in 2021 as we venture into a new landscape for our credit union in 2021.”