“Remember This?” from CU*Answers Continues into the New Year

CU*Answers, the 100% credit union-owned core data processor, recently published the latest version of its publication to credit unions, Remember This? The educational series provides clients with a look back at existing features on the core platform CU*BASE®, or from any of the many other services provided by the CUSO. In a fast paced industry, credit unions can occasionally miss that tool or feature that could streamline operations or improve member experience; CU*Answers wants to make sure that not only are it its credit unions getting the newest technology, but that they are also taking advantage of the tools in their hands today.

In the January edition, the series covers a relatively new feature to the CU*BASE platform and CU*Answers’ enterprise online banking product, It’s Me 247 Online Banking: Smart Messaging. The feature, which can be activated by the credit union for free, uses professionally-designed marketing graphics created by the CUSO’s Web Services team and displays them to members in online banking.

The system detects whether or not a particular message is appropriate for the member, based on elements like enrollment status or an activation flag. Credit unions have ten features to choose from including A2A transfers, bill pay, e-Notices, e-Statements, mobile web, and more. The tool is one of many ways in which CU*Answers is looking to put affordable and effective marketing into the hands of its credit union users.