Popularity of New 5300 Service Continues to Grow

Xtend, Inc., a Grand Rapids, Michigan-based multi-owned cooperative CUSO, has experienced significant growth in its newest back office support offering.  The new service, which helps streamline the process of preparing and uploading the quarterly 5300 Call Report, has now been deployed at seven (7) credit unions that utilize the CU*BASE® core data processing solution from CU*Answers, Inc.

“Our team has worked very closely with our partners at CU*Answers to develop a solution that turns the quarterly reporting into a much more effective process for our collective CUSO owners,” says Xtend President Scott Collins.  “CU*Answers started the ball rolling by making significant investments on the programming side over the past year-and-a-half, and we worked in tandem to develop a services wrapper that could enable each credit union to exploit the new software functionality.  The projects that we have completed to date have been extremely successful, with credit unions reporting that the time to complete the 5300 each quarter has been reduced by 80% or more.  And on more than one occasion I have had a CEO tell me that using our team to reduce the Call Report process was one of the best decisions they had made in their tenure.”

The service is executed by Xtend’s SRS (Shared Resources and Staff) Bookkeeping team, which also provides a variety of accounting, loan servicing and compliance monitoring solutions for credit unions running the CU*BASE® core.