New Navigation for CU*BASE® Highly Anticipated by Staff

CU*Answers offers numerous software releases each year, but the one coming up in March will bring a major change generating excitement for staff and clients. “We are not changing the underlying programs, but are moving the navigation from a menu-driven to a search-driven system,” said Laura Welch-Vilker, VP of Client Services and Education.

The CUSO has hosted two web conferences to introduce the new navigation to clients, with each session resulting in over 200 attendees. Four more sessions are coming up, the next two scheduled in February, each with over 200 participant registrations. “Co-hosting the training with me is Jim Vilker, VP of Professional Services,” added Welch-Vilker. “While I cover the usage of the new system, Jim covers how we enhanced our employee security features to make it easier for security officers to manage.”