My CU Today re-branded as Analytics Booth

CU*Answers, the 100% credit-union owned, cooperative CUSO, has re-branded its My CU Today product as Analytics Booth. The product is now managed by CU*Answers Asterisk Intelligence, a team of analysts who work to interpret client data for insights and opportunity. Analytics Booth gives credit unions the tools to understand their data better than ever, with the ability to track and trend over seventy data points across balances, transactions, member activity, and more. The product also gives staff the ability to set up alerts so they can keep their finger on the pulse of daily, weekly, and monthly activity. The most recent addition of dashboards adds a new layer for credit unions on the CU*BASE® core processing platform, giving them access to many of the powerful dashboards available on the core system, but with added functionality and more easily accessible via any web device.

To learn more about Analytics Booth, contact the Asterisk Intelligence team or take advantage of Analytics Booth on the CU*Answers Store.