Meet CU*Answers’ New Organizational Resource Development Team

The Organizational Resource Development team at West Michigan cooperative CUSO CU*Answers is growing and is very excited to introduce its new team members Amber Overla, Michael Cirivello, and Tara Galvan.

Amber Overla has joined the Organizational Resource Development Team as CU*Answers’ newest Vice President. She brings with her a wealth of experience and enthusiasm as it pertains to human resources and employee development. Before making her move to CU*Answers, Amber honed her expertise in managing resources at Hastings Mutual Insurance Company.

Michael comes to us from ITT Technical Institute as an HR generalist specializing in training and quality control and is eager to use his teaching background to grow the Employment Participation Program and motivate CU*Answers’ client facing team members to provide the best possible customer service for our clients and their members.

Tara, ORD Administrator, has brought exceptional administrative and organizational skills to the team and is diving right in to tackle some of the ORD’s biggest projects, which include converting records to a paperless format, employee recognition, and process improvement.

These new team members join Susanna Wojtkowiak, HR Generalist & Recruiter, who has been working with CU*Answers since the summer of 2014. Susanna is expanding her administrative role within human resources to include sourcing and recruiting new talent for CU*Answers as she works to make the onboarding process for new employees smooth and reflective of the CU*Answers corporate culture.

The team members have spent their first few months at CU*Answers familiarizing themselves with the unique workplace, building relationships, and developing strategies that will drive success within their own team as well as across departments within the company.