Harris County FCU Automates Tax Forms with DocLogic™

Harris County Federal Credit Union located in Houston,Texas which services over 14,000 members, recently announced they automated their tax form storage using eDOC Innovations document workflow suite DocLogic™.

Gertie Toups, Vice President of Accounting and Technology comments “We archive all our tax documents to the eDOC 2020COLD® system. We have for about three years. Now anytime we need to recreate those documents, we can within minutes. It’s a simple tool. We provide eDOC with a copy of our IRS reporting file that is generated from the IRS, then eDOC Innovations imports the forms into our system. All this is done within seven days after they receive the files. It is a fail safe way of maintaining tax information and staying compliant at the same time.”

eDOC Innovations offers services to archive many tax forms including the 1098, 1099, 5498, and other forms in conjunction.  For more information on how your credit union can use DocLogic™ to complete our electronic tax form service visit: http://edoclogic.com/electronic-irs-tax-form-qa/ .