eDOC Launches eDOC TV

eDOC Innovations is excited to announce eDOC TV, a new webpage showcasing videos about eDOC solutions and the credit union cooperative model.  eDOC has collaborated with credit union peers to showcase their media on the new site and participate in the venture.

Bret Weekes, President and CEO of eDOC Innovations comments, “Credit union members are visual. We want to create an avenue where our peers and credit union owners, even members, can learn more about solutions and the industry as a whole, visually. The overarching goal is to drive the universal message of cooperative business design, participation in a network of cooperatives, and drive sustainability for the future of credit unions to the next generation of mobile members”.

eDOC is currently working in conjunction with Deluvian Productions, a Vermont owned video production studio, to create more engaging content for eDOC TV. New videos will be posted in the coming months at http://edoclogic.com/edoc-tv/ .