eDOC Innovations Golfs for Cancer Research

eDOC Innovations joined credit unions and industry suppliers from Michigan for the Team One Donald Pilon Commemorative Golf Outing, held July 18, 2014 at the Fortress Golf Course, in Frankenmuth, MI. The charity golf outing is an annual event to benefit the American Cancer Society.

Kim Scofield, Marketing Specialist at Team One Credit Union, commented, “Team One would like to thank eDOC Innovations for their sponsorship of the Team One Donald Pilon Commemorative Golf Outing. With generous support from sponsors like eDOC Innovations, this year we are able to donate over $2,500 to the American Cancer Society. This money will be used for research, education, patient support, community programs and advocacy efforts in the fight against cancer.”

To stay up to date on what eDOC Innovations is doing for the cooperative credit union movement visit: http://edoclogic.com/category/press-releases/.