eDOC and Oak Trust Credit Union Collaborate on eSignature Strategy Session

Oak Trust Credit Union and eDOC Innovations are to host a Tri-State e-Strategy Leadership Session for Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana November 30th. Three experts on eSignatures and compliance will come together for presentations and a round table discussion. These industry experts will provide assistance to credit unions anticipating launching or expanding eSignature strategies.

Weltman, Weinberg & Reis, WWR was founded in 1930 with over 80 years of innovation, growth and results. The firm has over 1200 employees in ten offices across the country, servicing more than 400 credit unions nationwide. Docusign is used by more than 200 credit unions to streamline account openings, consumer loan processing, and internal approvals. DocuSign helps credit unions accelerate revenue, lower costs and enhance the member experience.

Computime, a trusted source for Topaz Systems electronic signature capture devices, provides cost-effective eSignature products for an ever-expanding customer base of Financial Institutions.

“We are happy to help host this meeting. It is a very relevant topic as credit unions use eSignatures and expand into the digital world. Electronic signatures are not going away in fact we see the utilization ever increasing. Every credit union could benefit from the fee information and knowledge derived from this meeting and I would encourage every credit union to attend regardless of their eSignature strategy.” comments Jim Dean, CEO of Oak Trust Credit Union