Earnings Edge streamlining credit union operations

Recently, the Earnings Edge team sat down with the management team at Element Federal Credit Union (Charleston, WV) for a strategic planning session. The goal of the meeting was to introduce Element FCU to recently released CU*BASE software and to provide feedback on the strategic goals the credit union is establishing for the remainder of 2021 and looking forward to 2022.

Topics uncovered during the event by Cody and the Earnings Edge team:

  • Paper Statement Fee Refunds—With the help of the Earnings Edge team, Element FCU was able to explore the use of a CU*BASE marketing club for waiving the fee for the identified population of members automatically each month. This will save Element FCU multiple hours a month.
  • Review of Online Banking Activity Dashboards—Element FCU has a desire to review details of how members are logging into online banking and what authentication type is being used. Cody and the Earnings Edge team discussed the Online Banking Activity Analysis dashboard in CU*BASE and this helped the Element FCU team learn more about member habits. This will help them to educate their members more effectively.
  • Review of the new CU*BASE Xpress Teller Tools—CU*Answers released the Xpress teller toolkit to all credit unions in late spring of 2021. This teller software provides credit unions with an alternative method to processing teller transactions.
  • CU*BASE Tiered Services/Relationship Pricing—The Element FCU team would like to modify their Tiered Services program to ensure that members are being rewarded based upon their participation with the cooperative. Cody and the Earnings Edge team will be working along with the Element FCU team to provide a tune-up to their configurations.

Reflecting on the visit with Cody Smith and the Earnings Edge team, Element FCU said, “Thank you so much for visiting with us. We enjoyed your presence, expertise, and look forward to partnering with the Earnings Edge team to improve the experience for our staff and our members.”