Data Symposium Hosted by CU*Answers

Credit union will be gathering at CU*Answers on February 25th for the West Michigan-based CUSO’s first ever Data Investment Symposium. Industry leaders committed to investing in and embracing new data tactics will meet to explore new and existing data management features in the CU*BASE® core platform and external data warehouses.

“Credit unions are still honing their operations to get the most out of their investment in data. Some feel that not only should data processors work on developing the credit union’s data, but also aggressively explore new approaches and solutions. CU*Answers agrees and is investing resources to make that rich data more accessible to credit unions,” says Randy Karnes, CEO.

CU*Answers recently announced its first ever external data warehouse, My CU Today, designed for the mobile credit union executive that wants to track credit union performance on a daily basis. The exciting new product collects key credit union data from CU*BASE and presents that data to users in ways that can be acted on quickly.

Barb Cooper, Project Services Manager adds, “We are approaching a tipping point in credit union strategies when it comes to harvesting opportunities from data. We want to hear our clients’ voices at this symposium event.”