CUSOs Collaborate to Host Self Processor Summit

On September 23rd, two CUSO partners – the Grand Rapids, Michigan-based cooperative CU*Answers, Inc., and the Yankton, South Dakota-based Site Four – hosted a “Self Processor Summit” for customer-owners that utilize the CU*Answers CU*BASE core data processing solution in an in-house deployment.  The bi-annual meeting was held at Site Four’s Yankton data center.

“It always great to see our self-processing partners,” said CU*Answers Chief Information Officer Jody Karnes.  “This year was especially exciting because, for the first time, we held the meeting at one of our data centers versus our corporate headquarters.  It not only gave our clients an updated perspective on the infrastructure investments being made across our entire network with regards to business continuity, it also provided a catalyst for additional collaborative discussions as our network of data centers expands.”

The meeting included training sessions, best practice reviews and valuable client networking opportunities as well as insights into new products and services available to the in-house marketspace.

Ms. Karnes concluded by noting that “the CUSO and credit union teams all left the meetings with new ideas on how to leverage each other’s resources.  I am already looking forward to our next Summit.”