CUSO’s 10th Annual Meeting is Largest Ever

Xtend, Inc., the Grand Rapids, Michigan-based multi-owned cooperative CUSO, held its tenth Annual Stockholders Meeting on July 19th at Watermark Country Club in Grand Rapids. The meeting and subsequent networking reception was attended by more than one hundred credit union industry professionals, making it the largest event that the decade-old CUSO has ever hosted.  Board Chairman Steve Searfoss (AAA FCU, South Bend, IN) facilitated the event, which also included presentations by CFO Bob Frizzle and President Scott Collins.

“We had hoped that this year’s event would be our biggest ever,” said Collins, “and it certainly exceeded our expectations.  We have had a stellar performance since our 2011 meeting, so it goes without saying that we were excited to get the owners together to only review our position year-to-date, but also our vision for what will help our CUSO continue to grow.  We hoped to set a party atmosphere for both the meeting and the reception that followed, and I think we were able to accomplish that.  My team definitely set a high bar for our 2013 meeting next June, and the momentum from the meeting should also help us finish the last three months of our fiscal year strongly.”

The date and location for the 2013 will be announced to stockholders during the next few months.