CUSO Welcomes Newest Stockholder

Xtend, Inc., the Grand Rapids, Michigan-based multi-owned cooperative CUSO, announced that it has added its sixty-sixth (66th) owner – Naperville, Illinois-based Oak Trust Credit Union ($65M, 9,500 members).

“Since the first time I met Jim (Oak Trust CEO James Dean) and his team, it was clear that he was a big advocate of CUSOs,” said Xtend President Scott Collins.  “Then, when he selected our partners at CU*Answers, Inc. (Grand Rapids, MI-based CUSO) to handle his core data processing needs, it reaffirmed in my mind that we had the chance to be very important to each other’s business plans.  Both our call center team and back office teams worked closely with Jim’s team during the core conversion, and I am confident that our performance during that project not only helped validate our business model, but also inspired Jim to take our prospectus to his board.  I look forward to many years of mutual success with Oak Trust, and welcome them to our growing family.”