CUSO Prepares to Expand its Business Resiliency Footprint

CU*Answers, Inc., the Grand Rapids, Michigan-based cooperative CUSO, is preparing to expand its business resiliency footprint by migrating its backup core processing data center from Muskegon, Michigan to Yankton, South Dakota. The CUSO will continue to utilize the Muskegon facility in its ongoing operations, but the core IBM server that currently serves as the replicated backup server for its nearly two hundred online clients is in the process of being transitioned to Yankton. The Yankton facility is owned and operated by CU*Answers strategic partner and sister CUSO, Site-Four.

According to Scott Collins, the liaison to IBM and CUSO Vice President, “Our team, along with the team at Site-Four, have begun the staging process for this exciting project. Our new IBMi POWER8 servers are in the process of being installed both in our corporate data center in Michigan and our backup site in Yankton. As with our past IBM technology upgrades, we plan to deploy non-disruptively for our customer-owners. It will be the culmination of over a year of planning, and usher us into a new era of redundancy by leveraging an out-of-region facility.”

Collins continued, “We are proud of our track record of continuous operations for our credit union owners that spans nearly two decades, and this project is the latest chapter in our CUSO’s commitment to invest in business resiliency.”

The project is expected to be completed by the end of September.