CUSO Completes Automated Operations Deployment

CU*Answers, the Grand Rapids, Michigan-based cooperative CUSO, recently completed the deployment of its automated month-end operations solution that leverages a suite of software tools developed by its business partner Help Systems. Through this newest feature of its OpsEngine automation suite, the CUSO’s self-processing credit unions are now able to schedule unattended end-of-month operations in addition to the automated end-of-day operations that each has been utilizing.

According to OpsEngine Business Manager Jeff Miller, the ability to handle end-of-month operations in an unattended manner “has given more flexibility to the operations teams at our in-house credit unions.”

“Over the past two years, our OpsEngine development effort has been focused on developing a series of tools for our own data center that could also be effectively leveraged by our clients that run their own data centers,” said Miller. “What began as brainstorming with our customer-owners during focus group events has materialized into a solution that has been implemented in nearly all of the data centers across our national network to help manage their end-of-month processes more effectively. Feedback from my peers within the network has been extremely positive, and I look forward to working with them closely on additional business continuity solutions.”