CU*Answers Writing Team Moves to Self-Managed Document Solution for the Online Reference Library

Beginning with preparations for the 17.03 release, the CU*Answers Writing Team outlined a plan to begin the self-management of online reference materials, and have recently implemented this new solution with great success, at no cost, using tools already available within the toolset.

The Writing Team manages well over 300 unique pieces of written documentation between the CU*BASE® and It’s Me 247 online banking reference pages. Previously, any update to a piece of documentation could take 1-2 business days to process and be refreshed online. Now that the management of the online documentation resides within the Writing Team itself, updates can be instantly processed, and new versions issued online without any latency period, using the new resources available via the CU*Answers website.

“Managing the documentation that we create adds a layer of ownership that we appreciate greatly on the writing team,” said Stacy Brower, technical writer. “We can update documentation in real time, so that we can be assured that any changes to the software are instantly refreshed online for credit union and internal staff, so that each set of instructions is as up to date and as useful as it can be.”