CU*Answers Uses Customized Videos to Teach Members How to Use Online Tools

CU*Answers’ Video Customization Service has delivered another set of customized, branded how-to videos designed to help credit union members learn how to use the CUSO’s online banking product, It’s Me 247 online banking. Although the CUSO publishes its own set of generic how-to videos that can be viewed by members of any credit union, the Video Customization Service, which was launched last October, lets credit unions tweak the branding on the videos so that they will match the CU’s branding on the online banking software itself. CUs can also opt to develop their own scripts to be created as new additions to the how-to video series. The three new videos, which were produced for Bridge Credit Union in Columbus, Ohio, have been posted to YouTube for the credit union to use via their website and marketing materials.

To learn more about CU*Answers Video Customization Services, visit the CU*Answers website.