CU*Answers to Conduct “Tricks of the Trade” Web Conference

CU*Answers recently announced that it will be hosting the first web conference version of its popular education series “Tricks of the Trade.” The 100% credit union-owned CUSO indicated that the series is designed to maximize the benefit of the CUSO’s online documentation. The focus for this month’s edition is automated reports and queries, as well as the Debit Card Round Up program.

A CU*Answers representative added that the web conference is free for any credit union to attend. Interested credit unions can simply drop in on the web conference—additional details can be found on their website. “Our goal is to provide our client credit unions with not only detailed information on the system and network, but also to provide that information through a variety of delivery channels. Between web conferences, online help, Tricks of the Trade, Show Me the Steps, and more, we’re working to ensure our credit unions are maximizing their CU*Answers investment,” the representative concluded.