CU*Answers to Celebrate One Year of Writing Team “Tricks of the Trade” Webinars

CU*Answers announced that the December Tricks of the Trade webinar will cover the new consumer skip-pay features implemented in the most recent CU*BASE® software release. The training session will conclude a year of the Writing Team offering these half hour webinars that give a quick look into the month’s top documentation picks to make clients’ jobs easier.

“I am thrilled with the high turn-out of these webinars,” said Alycia Meyers, technical writer. “Our October webinar covered documentation on the new required usernames feature for online banking. The November webinar included documents handed out at the 2014 CU*Answers’ CEO Strategies conference. Both were attended by over 40 participants.”

The December Tricks of the Trade webinar will be held December 16 from 3:30-4:00 PM ET.