CU*Answers Report Series Provides Simplicity

CU*Answers, the 100% credit union-owned core data processor, announced its “My Favorite Reports” brochure series is receiving high marks from credit union executives reviewing CU*Answers. Credit unions stated that My Favorite Reports allowed them to quickly acclimate themselves to over sixty key reports necessary for successful accountability and compliance measures. A CU*Answers representative stated, “We are proud of the fact we have provided a method of retrieving information with overall ease and simplicity to the user.” Company representatives went on to say they will continue to invest in “dashboard” like programs well-liked by users of the CU*BASE® core processing system.

The “My Favorite Reports” brochure series focuses on nine primary areas of credit union interest: CEO, marketing, lending, collections, auditing, accounting, teller, member service, and daily reports. CU*Answers added that the report series and reference materials are written by industry experts providing purpose and value to all CU*BASE users and professionals.

CU*Answers invites everyone to visit its website to learn more about the “My Favorite Reports Series” or by contacting expert Keegan Daniel at 800-327-3478 x209,