CU*Answers Reminds Clients about Useful Information

CU*Answers, the West Michigan-based CUSO, published the latest edition of their client communication, “Remember This?” The education targets all clients of the 100% credit union-owned CUSO and challenges them to remember the existing tools and features included within their core data processing platform, CU*BASE®.

The latest edition reminds credit unions of the ability to customize certain aspects of their Online Banking Community in It’s Me 247, CU*Answers’ online banking solution. The Online Banking Community, or OBC, is the first thing members will see before logging into their accounts, and provides credit unions with space to provide important communications, information about It’s Me 247, and links to their website. Additionally, credit unions can customize the look by changing the background color to more closely reflect their own website.

Scott Page, Executive Vice President of Sales, stated, “Too often credit unions are focused on the next big thing, and can sometimes lose touch of the existing features embedded within any software. It is CU*Answers’ intent to educate new and old clients alike, not only the new features, but the old ones they might have missed as well.” The CUSO added that they would continue to publish the series to help educate their clients.