CU*Answers Releases 2015 Board Member Handbook

CU*Answers recently announced the publication and release of its 2015 Board Member handbook. The handbook is developed annually and provided free to anyone with an interest in learning more about how the CU*Answers Board of Directors delivers the 7 Cooperative Principles to the forefront.

As part of its goals for their board, the credit union-owned CUSO emphasized that nothing says more about the health of a cooperative than the confidence that the cooperative stakeholders have in the role of the board, and how the board works on their behalf. The CU*Answers Board of Directors wants everyone to know the high goals set to earn its clients’ faith and maintain their confidence in the health of CU*Answers as a cooperative.

Within the handbook, CU*Answers highlighted five primary goals it wants its stakeholders and potential board nominees to understand:

Goal 1: The board is an asset, creates a return, is a product that can be marketed
             Why is the board important? Why is it a real asset and “product” that the
             business can count on?
              How is the board’s design and execution a win for the business?

Goal 2: Board membership is a win-win
             Why is the board important and valuable to the acting board member’s
              How is this a win-win design and how can board member execution benefit the board member?

Goal 3: The board guards the customer-owner perspective
             Why is the board important to the customer-owners of the cooperative?
              How does the board’s design and execution create value for the owners?

Goal 4: The board helps staff to flourish
             Why is the board important to the staff and professional team members?
              How does the board’s design and execution create a win for the staff’s

Goal 5: The board influences the CU market for the good of all CUs
             Why is the board important to the marketplace at large?
              How does the board’s design and execution create a positive influence on the
              industry, community, or general public?

The CUSO concluded that many credit unions have previously utilized this document as a template in developing their own internal Board Member handbook. Every CU*Answers owner CEO is openly encouraged to become a part of its board of directors by taking a close look at this handbook and should consider putting their name forward as a nominee for future board elections.