CU*Answers Puts New Backup Center to the Test

CU*Answers, the Grand Rapids, Michigan-based cooperative CUSO, recently announced to its owners that it had successfully executed a rollover to its newly deployed backup mainframe located at Site-Four, its CUSO partner located in Yankton, South Dakota. As is typical for the CU*Answers, the rollover consisted of running the core data processing for all of its nearly two hundred online credit unions from its backup site.

According to CU*Answers CIO Jody Karnes, the recent rollover represented the culmination of many months of planning by the technical teams at both CU*Answers and Site-Four. Karnes added: “Kudos to both teams for designing and deploying a solution that helps reinforce for our customer-owners that business resiliency is always top-of-mind for CU*Answers and our network of partners. Obviously, moving your backup data center halfway across the country is not something to be taken lightly, and the only way to be sure the project was a success was to run processing from Site-Four for a few days. We couldn’t be happier with the outcome.”

Karnes concluded by noting that Site-Four is also the backup datacenter for several of CU*Answers in-house credit union clients. “We are confident that leveraging a shared backup facility will be a catalyst for innovation that will benefit both CU*Answers and our self-processing credit unions.”