CU*Answers Providing Big Boost to Start-up Credit Unions

As a credit union-owned Cooperative, CU*Answers is committed to the idea of helping newcomers to the industry. The CUSO hopes to see industry numbers and overall viability to potential members grow and help turn the tide of a steadily shrinking number of credit unions Americans can choose from. To help in this endeavor, in addition to its internal programs, CU*Answers maintains a significant interest in helping motivate both its partners and the industry as a whole to develop similar types of programs.

The CUSO’s unique “Starting a Credit Union with CU*Answers” program delivers a strong message to the industry of CU*Answers’ on-going financial commitment to assisting every de novo effort, and hopes to raise the stakes in getting others to back the industry. A key component of this offering is to provide free data processing services via its CU*BASE® processing system, including a variety of popular member self-service products for an initial 2-year period. CU*Answers is openly challenging other vendors to “step up to the plate” and design a similar strategy for financially assisting these start-up ventures.

To learn more about the “Starting a Credit Union with CU*Answers” offering, including sample pricing, visit CU*Answers’ website.