CU*Answers, a CUSO known for providing its flagship data processing system now provides seamless integration with supported TCD and TCR models.
According to CU*Answers, Teller Cash Dispensers (TCDs) and Teller Cash Recyclers (TCRs) offer credit unions increased security and accuracy in the handling of cash. This increases productivity of staff and allows more opportunities for cross-selling by employees.
This integration allows tellers to easily process member transactions, either dispensing money from a TCD or depositing and dispensing from a TCR. At dispense, auto-mix screens provide a standard mix of bill denominations that tellers can adjust to a member’s preference. When depositing to a TCR, the tellers use a specially designed screen to review the deposited funds to ensure accuracy of the deposits. Vault transfers to and from the TCD or TCR are processed seamlessly through standard CU*BASE bulk transfer screens, making it easy to use these devices as supplemental vaults for teller stations. Current inventory of TCDs and TCRs is easily monitored from any computer at the credit union through the CU*BASE Inventory screen. An Inventory Analysis screen allows for analysis of transaction activity. While a TCD permits removal of bills by opening the door of the device, a TCR requires an additional Audit screen to quickly empty the device of its cash for audit purposes.
CU*Answers has several reference materials available to explain how TCDs and TCRs integrate with CU*BASE. Access these materials on the CU*Answers Reference Page.