As part of their on-going commitment to promoting collaboration amongst those in the credit union industry, CU*Answers, the 100% Credit Union-owned CUSO, is offering credit unions in their network up to $200 off their invoices for participation in its Cooperative Score program. The Cooperative Score is a new index that measures a credit union’s health as a collaborative design, and CU*Answers indicated that one technique the CUSO has designed is via their CollabRebate program, which incentivizes credit unions by paying them to collaborate and participate with their peers.
CU*Answers added that the first of these financial incentives has come in the form of $100 invoice coupons for credit union participation in their new websites PolicySwap and ExamShare. PolicySwap allows credit unions to find a new policy by borrowing from a peer, or to post their own policies and procedures to share with others. ExamShare helps credit unions score higher on their next exam by learning from peers and sharing their own experiences with others in the network.
The CUSO indicated that these are just two examples of how they hope to get a deeper commitment to the collaborative spirit from credit unions. Learn more about this program at