West Michigan-based CUSO CU*Answers provided details for its 7th annual CEO Strategies Week, to be held in Grand Rapids on November 10-12. This anticipated event is targeted specifically for CEOs and represents a unique forum in which CEOs are able to discuss a variety of credit union topics of interest. CU*Answers said an emphasis for this year’s event is to provide even more networking opportunities for attending CEOs. Highlights for the 3-day event include:
Day 1: CEO Collaboration Workshop
In this half-day session, CEO peers collaborate with the goal of earning a yield on doing things collectively, across the cuasterisk.com network. The CEO Collaboration Workshop speaks to the essence of why credit unions own CU*Answers: so that their voice is heard, their ideas are worked on, and their priorities are considered as part of everything this CUSO tries to accomplish. This year’s focus: Using Collaborative Resources in Closing Your Next Merger Opportunity.
Day 2: CEO School: Driving Solutions and Execution
CEOs know that the requirements of their job and the expectations of the teams and their employers are changing dramatically with each new gadget that comes onto the market. CEOs cannot afford to assume that past talents will ensure future careers. Understanding where and how to look for current information is trumping experience – in today’s world, you need both. Can your stakeholders testify to your grasp of today’s credit union database and what it means to your success? This session will explore how CU*BASE® tools can be used to find opportunity and to track your business plan throughout the year with your managers and Board.
Day 3: CEO Roundtable
The culmination of the week’s events, the CEO Roundtable gives CEOs a unique chance to interact with their direct peers at other credit unions. Attendees will learn from each other about credit union activities that are focused on manufacturing opportunity. CEOs will find out how their peers are adjusting their teams to meet the challenge to reach out to members, mine data for opportunities, and put their teams to work in a new way.
To learn more about this annual event and see content from past CEO Strategies Weeks, visit CU*Answers at their website: http://www.cuanswers.com/events/ceo-strat/ceo-strategies-week-2015/