CU*Answers Online Help Optimized for Mobile Devices

CU*Answers, data processor to nearly 200 credit unions nationwide, recently introduced mobile optimization for Show Me the Steps, its online help site that features step-by-step instructions for completing tasks in CU*BASE®, CU*Answers’ core processing software. With mobile optimization, the Show Me the Steps site now responds to any device on which it’s being accessed by optimizing content to be clearly viewed on any size screen. Today, about 5% of the data processor’s clients view CU*Answers online help sites using their mobile device, but CU*Answers staff expect that number to grow over the coming years, so optimizing all of their other online help sites is in their plans for the near future. By the end of the year, CU*Answers plans on implementing mobile optimization for its online help sites for CU*BASE GOLD and Operator editions.