For the first time, the CU*Answers data processing CUSO is offering a Mid-Term CEO School session at its Grand Rapids headquarters. This one day event is offered to CEOs and other credit union leaders.
This past November, the CUSO held its 5th Annual CEO Strategies Week, which drew 50 credit union CEOs from across the country. At that time, CU*Answers CEO, Randy Karnes, announced his intention to offer an abbreviated version that would be opened up to other senior credit union leaders, not just CEOs.
On Thursday, May 13th from 9:00am until 3:00pm, participants are invited to attend a day of mentoring and coaching in the CU*Answers University Learning Center. Randy Karnes will share how he would use CU*BASE tools as a credit union CEO to interact with Leadership and Board Teams. This opportunity provides an environment for brainstorming, addressing topics of concern unique to the credit union industry, and networking with peers while fostering a shared vision for collaboration and innovation.
Registration for the event can be found at: