CU*Answers Offers Free Online Banking Mobile App

CU*Answers, a credit union-owned cooperative CUSO, recently announced the availability a free mobile app for its online banking product, It’s Me 247. The new mobile app acts as a home base for the member’s mobile banking experience, with easy access to online banking, the credit union’s website, branch locations and hours, and frequently asked questions.

The app also offers customization options for the credit union, who can insert ads, helpful links, and logo and branding options. The mobile app, which is free to CU*Answers clients, is available for both Apple and Android operating systems and can be purchased in the Apple and Google app stores.

“CU*Answers is more than happy to work with credit unions and their mobile app developers to get them the app they want,” said Randy Karnes, CU*Answers CEO. “For those unable to invest, or even those who just want multiple options, we developed this free app to get more credit unions in the game as online retailers—that’s the power of a cooperative CUSO.”