CU*Answers Offers Free Data Encryption

Protecting member data can be costly. To assist credit unions with this key objective and regulatory requirement CU*Answers, the 100% credit union-owned, collaborative CUSO, announced to their customers that session encryption will now be offered free of charge to partners utilizing Window’s 7.

Scott Page, EVP of CU*Answers, says “CU*BASE session encryption is secure and protects member data end-to-end as it traverses the network better than ever. From the moment data leaves your PC to when it arrives at the host system at CU*Answers the member data is private and protected from interception. It’s a definite win for our network.”

Encryption packs are now standard on all new hardware purchased with CU*Answers. For those with current workstations meeting standard encryption requirements encryption packs will be available for download or installed for the convenience of our clients. Standard service fees will apply for those in need of assistance.

For more information on session encryption or protecting member data in a regulatory environment, contact the CU*Answers Network Services team.